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  • Writer's pictureLiza Cariola

The Projects

Updated: Aug 23, 2020

My journey, the effects and consequences of the sickness became the center of everyone’s attention. We put our heads together to tackle the mounting medical expenses.

The projects were born.

My sister Carol, even with the physical distance between us is always there for support. She has embarked on creating handcrafted masks since COVID-19 is still prevalent. Since she started, Carol has sewn at least 400 pieces and had sold the most to her friends.

My sister Nory, who has been the rock I can lean on, loves to put her culinary skills to use in making jams. She's made plumcot jams (combination of plum and apricot), apricot jams, red plum jams, apricot and mango jams, peach jams, and green apple jams. Most of the fruits came from trees from her backyard and donations from her neighbor’s trees. They’re selling fast, Nory is already on her fifth batch in making jams. She also has mixed an All-purpose Organic Spices you can add to any dishes you want to enhance the flavor.

My niece, Isabella, has put together little planters with succulents to sell. She has proudly sold most of it by rallying her friends to help her sell them and they've responded tremendously. Isabella has set a donation goal for herself that she's nearly reached.

I am proud of her, she has even volunteered to donate her birthday present to the cause.

My sisters have collaborated in setting up the GoFundMe website with countless hours spent on researching contents and coming up with a goal that is both reasonable and achievable.

The goal of $15,000 may be a small amount compared to others who are in the same situation as I am but I feel that I do not want to add anymore burden to people who are already going thru a tough time right now with the Covid19 pandemic going on.

With the tremendous and generous responses from families, friends, colleagues, and anonymous donors, I am humbled and blessed. As my sister Carol explained, “God will touch and surround you with the people that will bless you.” And boy, was she right,

she has the wisdom.

My sister Lea, with her smarts and in depth knowledge, came up with the idea of this blog.

She contributes her time in editing and making sure we’re focusing on the important aspects of this journey. She always redirects us to ask the right questions and seek the best options since the very start. After all, she graduated summa cum laude with double majors. I’m so proud of her.

Heidi, my brother Ruel's wife, is helping to raise funds by sewing masks and posting it on her Etsy website called handmadelovebycarina. The twins, Kaye and Brianna, have and are supporting the cause. Kaye, who is a very talented guitar player, is helping her Mom on their various projects. Brianna is a brilliant photographer with a keen eye for picture perfect sceneries and models. She is offering one hour photo session for a special price to add to her already generous donation. Check out her photographs and promotion on her website at

Upcoming projects

Upcoming projects include T-shirts and other products with logo designed by my artistic and talented nephew, Euan James.

Update on the T-shirt project We have launched the website for the T-shirt campaign. Here is the link to the website:

Federico is planning to set up a lemonade stand once COVID-19 restrictions have been lifted. In the meantime, he has gone around the neighborhood, in his own accord, to sell our products, door to door. I am proud of him, at his 14 young years, he is learning that life

is full of challenges. People has said no to his offers and have closed their door to his face but this didn't deter him from moving forward. Federico has also been successful in his endeavor and even received donation and according to him, he is not done yet.

He is planning on conquering more successes in the neighborhoods around his home area.

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